She is…

She’s confident, yet hesitant

Fierce, yet gentle

Brilliant, yet confused

Unique, yet ordinary

Fulfilled, yet longing

Steady, yet anxious

Vibrant, yet invisible

Optimistic, yet uncertain

She’s got her head in the clouds, yet she’s firmly planted in reality.

Her days are long, but that’s how she likes it. Her thoughts often overtake her and rarely quiet enough for her to completely let go, but she continues to forge her path not yet visible ahead.

She’s not a contradiction, but a duality. Deep within her bodily cocoon grows a new being…older somehow…wiser…and so powerful.

For now she waits, unknowingly preparing and shaping the new being.

The takeover has already begun, ever so gradually, yet she feels it…

Every struggle, every triumph, every challenge, nourishes the being. In time, it becomes inescapable…emerging from within is the woman she was born to be…slowly and then suddenly…

Here she comes!

PS: First attempt at something like this. I was studying one day and this came to me. ♥

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